About Us
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Helping you find, use, and create information since 1966.
Click through our What Can the Library Do For You? slides for an overview of our resources and services. You can also take a look at this November 2023 visual tour of the library. You may find the Middletown campus map helpful in locating us once you reach campus. See our Library Accessibility page for information on accessing our space and collections. Read about our activities and events on the Gardner-Harvey Library News blog.Our Mission
The Gardner-Harvey Library was founded in 1966. In this space, our staff provides three aspects of what libraries are to the students, faculty, and staff at Miami University Middletown and the members of our surrounding community:The Library as Place - the library serves as a location to study, relax, meet with others, and create information.
The Library as Stuff - the library staff collect, organize, and make available online and physical information sources, finding tools, and equipment to serve the needs of our community.
The Library as People - the library staff are here to help you discover information sources and help you decide how to best use them to meet your goals.
Our mission is to provide the Place and the Stuff, and then have our People help you find and use information to create your own sources and products.
Library Staff - Who should I contact?
John Burke Library Director; Principal Librarian 513-727-3293 burkejj@miamioh.edu |
Jennifer Hicks Circulation, Reserves, & ILL Supervisor; Library Associate 513-727-3221 hicksjl2@miamioh.edu |
Check out some pictures from our inaugural GHL Student Assistant Alumni and Retired Staff gathering! Have you noticed a staff member going above and beyond? Nominate them for a Staff Highlight!